Seam is a social network that allows users to build and sell open-source miniapps. It provides a platform for online creatives to showcase their work, curate inspiration, and collaborate with peers.

We've made it easy in this repository to make a new miniapp, and then publish it live so that anyone else in the world can use your new creation, too. We're all building this together!

Read the full documentation at

🚧 Note: The Seam platform is under constant development, and occasionally the miniapp builder might lag behind the functionality on the Seam platform. If there currently isn't a way to build what you're dreaming up, feel free to file a github issue as a feature request. 🚧

What are miniapps?

The core piece of sharing on Seam is the miniapp. Miniapps are tiny playgrounds, allowing you to create content. When you’re done, you make a post. For example, the Pixel Art miniapp allows you to become a pixel artist, and then share the final masterpiece as a post.

What happens when you make a miniapp on Seam?

  • Accepted miniapps are live on and the Seam iOS app. You'll have your code in the appstore!

  • Anyone else on Seam can use your miniapp to make posts.

    • Eventually, you'll be able to earn Seam Points when other users unlock your miniapp.

  • You'll learn to code Javascript and React, one of the most used languages on the Internet.

Last updated